After the construction of the initial 115 units housing, there is a planned seven-year research and development (R&D) phase. This period is dedicated to monitoring, analyzing, and refining various aspects of the housing project to optimize its effectiveness and impact. Here’s an overview of the key components during these seven years:

  1. Continuous Monitoring:
    • The village and its infrastructure will be continuously monitored using various sensors and data collection methods.
    • Regular analysis of data on energy production, consumption, water usage, air quality, structural integrity, community activities, and other relevant parameters.
  2. Regular Semestrial Analysis:
    • Semi-annual reviews and analyses of the collected data to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.
    • Publication of findings to share insights and contribute to the body of knowledge in sustainable and community-focused housing.
  3. Training and Development:
    • Ongoing training and development initiatives to enhance the skills of residents, especially those involved in the construction and maintenance of the housing units.
    • Focus on skill-building in areas such as carpentry, technology, and other relevant fields.
  4. Social Welfare Programs:
    • Continuous improvement and expansion of social welfare programs to support residents during times of crisis, including illnesses, job loss, accidents, and other exceptional events.
    • Long-term planning assistance for residents, including retirement planning right from the stage of becoming homeowners.
  5. Ethnographical Studies:
    • The ethnographical studies initiated during the construction phase will continue over the seven years to assess the long-term impact of the housing project on the well-being, happiness, and industrial vigor of inhabitants.
    • Comparative analyses to evaluate changes and trends in the community dynamics and individual behaviors.
  6. Psychological Evaluations:
    • Ongoing psychological evaluations of different resident groups, such as researchers, artists, designers, and homeless individuals, to understand evolving satisfaction levels, creativity, and overall well-being.
    • Comparison of initial evaluations with subsequent surveys at six months and one year into the program.
  7. Social Responsibility and Architectural Evaluation:
    • Continuous analysis of factors contributing to social responsibility in architectural projects.
    • Refinement and enhancement of the methodology to evaluate social responsibility based on construction costs, housing quality, industrial vigor, utility costs, maintenance costs, and property value after four years of occupancy.
  8. Legal Framework and Franchise Development:
    • Ongoing assessment and adaptation of the legal framework governing ownership, maker spaces, group quarters, and potential franchise development.
    • Refinement of legal structures to ensure sustainability and scalability.

The seven-year R&D phase is designed to be a dynamic and iterative process, allowing for adjustments based on real-world outcomes and feedback. This extended timeframe reflects a commitment to continuous improvement and the creation of a replicable model for sustainable and community-centric housing solutions.