The demonstration program undergoes a meticulous process across various phases, encompassing pre-construction, construction, and post-construction stages. The primary objective is to amass comprehensive data facilitating a profound understanding of how construction costs, engineering quality, and overall living conditions can be enhanced.

QUALITY OF LIFE AND INDUSTRIAL VIGOR: The assessment of quality of life pivots on the concept of “industrial vigor” among inhabitants, gauging how their perception of happiness correlates with heightened creativity. This metric serves as a pivotal indicator of the success of the constructed environment.

FINANCIAL MODEL AND REAL ESTATE DISRUPTION: A key aspect of the program is the creation of a financial model designed to standardize the inclusion of small investors. This model aims to counteract the historical disruptive nature of real estate plans that have led to speculative growth in housing costs. Instead, the goal is to establish an investment product where profits are generated through the application of the program’s financial mechanisms, thus creating a more sustainable and accessible avenue for investment.

TINY HOMES AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY: Drawing insights from the growing tiny home movement, the program aims to provide an alternative solution that addresses issues such as debt, mobility, and capital preservation. While acknowledging the limitations of tiny homes, particularly in terms of land ownership, the program aims to create a more financially viable and sustainable housing model.

AFFORDABLE RENTAL MODEL: The demonstration program outlines a detailed rental model, offering 115 homes at varying rates tailored to different tenant profiles, including researchers, designers/artists, students, homeless individuals, and guests. All-encompassing rent covers utilities such as water, electricity, natural gas, and wifi. The intention is to standardize this model for different tenant profiles and extend ownership solutions based on the same principles.

SOCIAL WELFARE AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGES: Acknowledging economic challenges such as wage theft, the program emphasizes social responsibility. It proposes sharetime solutions managed by group quarters’ administration to sustain social welfare programs. The goal is not only to provide housing but also to address underlying economic issues that impact the ability of individuals to secure and maintain stable housing.

METHODOLOGY BASED ON DWELLING AND OCCUPANT CARDS: Drawing inspiration from historical methodologies, the program adopts the concept of dwelling and occupant cards. These cards, pioneered by John R. Commons in the early 20th century, form the basis for evaluating housing units. The methodology involves assigning weights to various specifications that collectively define an ideal dwelling. The comparison of actual scores against the ideal allows for a nuanced understanding of housing costs and value.

FINANCIAL EVALUATION AND COMPARISON: The demonstration program integrates financial evaluation methods where any dwelling’s actual score is compared against the ideal, resulting in a point ratio. This ratio, when applied to the ideal house cost, provides insights into the actual cost and market value of a dwelling. This comparison aims to reveal potential overpricing and understand market dynamics.

In summary, the demonstration program operates at the intersection of scientific methodology, social responsibility, and financial innovation. By combining historical insights with contemporary challenges, the program seeks to redefine affordable housing by addressing economic disparities, promoting sustainable investment, and ensuring the well-being of its inhabitants.